Land Clearing in the Montreal Area

What is land clearing?

Deforestation, or land clearing, entails cutting down a large quantity of trees. In some cases, trees are removed selectively, while in others, the clearing is broader and complete.

There are several reasons you would clear land.

  • Developing a plot for a new building
  • Clearing to create a road
  • Forest or woodland thinning

Turnkey land clearing 

Land clearing involves many steps and communications with stakeholders like surveyors, municipal inspectors and building contractors.

We don't just cut the trees. We manage the project for you, every step of the way, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

By meeting with the municipal inspector and using the building permit as a guide to properly identify each tree that needs to be cut down, we’re set up to do the job right, we avoid mistakes, and we work efficiently.

The cost of clearing woodland

The cost of clearing a lot for development depends on several factors: tree density, type of lot, slope, and accessibility. Expect to pay from $0.50 to $1 per square foot for clearing work.

Here are a few factors that will affect the cost of clearing woodland.

The pros - factors that play in your favour

  • Small trees
  • Flat land
  • Accessible by road
  • No foundations or obstacles on the grounds
  • No buildings located close to the trees that’ll be removing

The cons - what can run the land clearing bill higher

  • Uneven ground
  • Swamp land
  • Hard to access with required machinery
  • Dense forest
  • Softwood
  • Buildings near the trees that will be felled
  • Large trees
  • Dead trees
  • Power line proximity

Land clearing permits

You need a clearing permit to clear land for building purposes. For selective clearing, regulations differ from one city to the next and sometimes a permit is required for the front of the house, while you won’t need one for the backyard.

The clearing permit comes with the building or excavation permit. Contact us for a free estimate, once you have your clearing permit in hand.

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